Cashback¹ on swaps and purchases
Save up to 50% on transactions when buying and selling cryptocurrencies. More ways to save are launching soon!
Earn points, get rewarded
Accumulate points² with every interaction and use them for exclusive rewards and benefits. The more you engage, the more you benefit!
Limitless perks & extras
Elevate your account tiers by simply engaging with the app. Access exclusive benefits such as extra sub-accounts, KYT checks³, and more!
Earn rewards & points for every eligible activity you complete:
Daily open
Open the app
Daily send
Send crypto
Exchange assets
Buy crypto
Sell crypto
Daily staking
Purchase goods and services
Social activity
Submit posts, like & repost
DeFi Earn
Try out next-level DeFi
Level up through tiers and unlock an expanding range of exclusive benefits:
5 Sub-accounts: bronze bundle
DeFi Earn: 10% cashback¹
DEX swaps: 10% cashback¹
Cross-chain swaps: 10% cashback¹
Exclusive badge
15 Sub-accounts: silver bundle
5 KYT checks³: security kit
DeFi Earn: 30% cashback¹
DEX swaps: 30% cashback¹
Cross-chain swaps: 30% cashback¹
Flip-to-hide balance
Exclusive perks & features
Epic badge
30 Sub-accounts: gold bundle
10 KYT checks³: enchanced security kit
DeFi Earn: 50% cashback¹
DEX swaps: 50% cashback¹
Cross-chain swaps: 50% cashback¹
Buy & Sell crypto: 100% cashback¹
Security e-mails
Exclusive perks & features
24/7 dedicated support
VIP badge
¹ Cashbacks are provided from Unity Wallet's additional fees on eligible third-party transactions.
² Points are not redeemable for cash and can only be used on Unity Wallet.
³ KYT checks are granted exclusively to Silver and Gold member tiers and are distributed in equal amounts monthly for a period of one year.